The first section of the forthcoming tutorial presents a brief overview of the remarkable benefits and effects for mental wellness, stress reduction, and resilience. Resilience is particularly pertinent, and such a powerful word for the constantly changing and emerging situations in the world.
The second section presents research and a developing understanding of how mindful, relaxed, and breath-focused practices can benefit physical wellness, including combating the effects of stress on the body. The American Institute of Stress cites articles noting that as much of 75-90% of doctor visits may ultimately be attributed to conditions caused or acerbated by stress.
A third section illustrates several Portable Peace Practices which you can use to restore peace, calm, health and resilience into your life. I also include recommendations for practice, and how you can use these practices to enhance stronger relationships and a sense of community. And why this is so important for a happy, joyful and resilient life!
Just make sure that you talk with your doctor first before beginning any of these practices, if you have any health concerns or are dealing with severe stress. See the Metarobics Facebook Page for regular updates.