(Elements of this article were originally Posted January 18, 2016) The passing of noted actor Alan Rickman and singer David Bowie brings a great loss to this world. Yet any death from cancer is a tragedy. It was the experiences of my students with cancer which first got me looking at the effects of Tai Chi and related exercises, on oxygen use in the body. Metarobic theory, as well as over 40 case stories from people who feel that Tai Chi and related exercises had a dramatic effect on their cancer, supports the need for a well-designed scientific study. Current studies have cancer patients learning tai chi 2-3 times a week for an hour or so. Significant effects were found for pain and quality of life, but no direct effect on cancer (see Mindful Exercise: Metarobics, Healing, and the Power of Tai Chi for references). My own research, and the case stories I have collected, indicate that it is important to address time spent in practice, as well as format, since learning can be very different from practicing. Pace and format of Tai Chi can also affect benefits. A recent article in the Qi Journal addresses this.
These are key factors in using Metarobic exercises such as relaxation and breath focused forms of Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and walking, as an effective adjunct to cancer care. From my own experiences, and those case stories which state the frequency and duration (dosage) of their practice, it may take daily practice, with several sessions throughout the day, before direct benefits are noted for cancer.
This is consistent with Metarobic theory. If you suffer only a mild condition, or are looking for prevention, daily or regular weekly practice may be sufficient for health. However, if you are facing death, disability, or paralysis, maintaining a regular Metarobic practice two or three times a day (or even more, if warranted) may provide a viable option. Preliminary research indicates that the benefits of these exercises may be maximized by addressing Metarobic theory and addressing dosage. Metarobic theory supports that these exercises can have an effect on treating most forms of cancer, as well as for pain management and enhanced quality of life during treatment. It would be wonderful and tempting to say that these exercises were a “cure all,” since hypoxia, or oxygen deficiency in the tissues, underlies or complicates almost all chronic conditions. But it will take further research to determine exact effects and benefits. Addressing Metarobic theory when working with cancer patients can provide this first step.
The sad thing is how difficult it is to coordinate all the different branches and people who would be involved, to conduct a study into the effects of well-designed Metarobic program on cancer. According to the article on NME Music Reviews News, David Bowie was not expecting to die. He was stated as being optimistic that something, some treatment, would come along. A Metarobic adjunct to his treatment may or may not have made a difference, but without conducting a study in this area, we will never know. And as noted above, there is a growing body of evidence that Metarobic exercise may make that difference for many. So I would like to encourage readers to feel free to discuss adding a Metarobic component to treatment, whether you are a doctor or patient. In time, a large-scale hospital-based study will be conducted. But in the meantime, reports from individuals have been promising. Discuss this with your doctor, and perhaps more than a few lives will be saved a little earlier rather than a little later.
My goal is to find a hospital, university or cancer center, to test the user-friendly formats I have developed, which maximize a Metarobic response. So far the response has been “We are too busy with other projects.” I still have queries out, but I am also open to working with anyone who would like to test the efficacy of these exercises, in conjunction with their cancer or other treatment (with their doctor’s approval and supervision). My initial goal is to test Metarobic effects on cancer treatment and care, since this is what got me looking in this direction. However, I am open to collaborations in any area. If you are interested discussing with your doctor trying a Metarobic approach to tai chi, qigong or related exercise, for cancer or other chronic condition, feel free to contact me at [email protected].