Returning to Otto Warburg, he found that among the primary types of cancer, oxygen restriction seemed to play a critical role. He observed that cancer grew in areas deprived of oxygen, documenting that tumor cells develop a modified sugar-based metabolism (glycolysis), rather than oxygen based metabolism, with hypoxic (oxygen deficient) areas surrounding the tumor site. Current research is offering support that beneficial effects occur from boosting oxygen levels around tumors, which may permit more efficient delivery of chemotherapy and the body’s own healing agents. This may explain how and why tai chi and related exercises, being focused on relaxation and the breath, might enhance cancer care and the battle against cancer. See my book “Mindful Exercise: Metarobics, Healing, and the Power of Tai Chi” for a full overview of Metarobic theory, research, and case stories.
Part of the research documented in my book includes the work by Dr. Maleki and colleagues at the Birck Nanotechnology Center at Purdue University. They developed a device based on the idea of enhancing tumor oxygenation. The team created an ultrasonically powered implantable micro oxygen generator (IMOG) which can be implanted at the site of the tumor. The IMOG device generates oxygen at the site of the tumor, boosting the cancer fighting power of radiation and chemotherapy. The IMOG device has been used with significant effects in pancreatic tumors in mice, generating oxygen and shrinking tumors faster than without the device. The Metarobic effect may act similarly, since preliminary research supports that breath focused relaxation exercises boosts blood oxygen saturation, diffusion, and oxygen metabolism. Many other studies documented in my book also supports the healing aspect of Metarobic effects. This is further supported by the case stories in my book, and those I am posting each day during this month on the Metarobics Facebook Page. All of these cancer patients experienced dramatic effects after starting Metarobic exercises, some reversing a doctor’s prognosis which gave them only weeks to live. To receive regular updates and case stories, please "Like" this page to follow.
For a full overview of Metarobic theory and research for cancer and many other chronic conditions, please see “Mindful Exercise: Metarobics, Healing, and the Power of Tai Chi.” I will also be presenting my work at the upcoming conference for the Western Society for Kinesiology and Wellness (WSKW), and am also completing collaboration on a supporting journal article.