On a side note, regarding the difficulties and importance of promoting a Metarobic view of exercise, relates to a movie I saw last night, on Louis Pasteur. I had mentioned in an earlier blog that he was an inspiration to me, since he faced an incredible battle with the medical field, to convince them that germs were real, and that it was important to wash hands and sterilize medical equipment. Even though he had saved the wine and beer industry by discovering the process of pasteurization (which was even named after him), he was pronounced a quack, and barred from writing about or discussing his work for over 10 years. An anthrax epidemic, and the fact that the sheep in his town were the only ones not dying, finally got the medical establishment to re-examine his theories on germs and vaccinations.
This is why I am reaching out and asking for help, by asking you to promote and repost these blogs and Facebook posts. According to those I have spoken to in the publishing field, until I or my work becomes a hot topic, there is no interest from a larger publisher in my book or work. You can help make that happen. I will be presenting my work at more national conferences, and will be offering a four hour workshop at the American Psychosocial Oncology Conference in March. I am also meeting with a cancer center this week, to see how my work might be incorporated at their center. But this can be a long process. In the meantime, thousands of lives are being lost. Louis Pasteur estimated that several million people died during the 10 years he was banned from talking about his work. The evidence based theory of Metarobics is not on the same scale as germ theory and vaccinations, but based on Tai Chi research, Metarobic exercises can save lives on an unknown scale, and enhance quality of life for those chronically ill. Help that happen by sharing my work, book and resources on the Metarobic Institute site, with anyone who might benefit, or be of interest or influence (keeping in mind that any medical changes should also be discussed with a doctor). For a full overview of my work, click this LINK for “Tai Chi Therapy: The Science of Metarobics,” available on Amazon.com